In this April 4th election cycle, existing CLC Board Trustee Robert Tomei is running for another term. His tenure has been undistinguished. What does however set him apart are the unfortunate conspiracy theories and anti-science narratives that he spreads via social media. Tomei’s antics include activities such as lashing out at teachers, calling our community a Marxist state, propagating 2020 election lie and spreading anti-science disinformation. Tomei has no business being involved in education or serving in any elected capacity.
“Teachers are Tyrants” and “Lake County is a Marxist Paradise”
The Illinois General Assembly introduced a bill to protect children from protesters by establishing a rule where protesters cannot demonstrate on school grounds on school days. This is sensible to any rational person as children need to focus on learning while remaining unobstructed by angry groups. In response to the bill being introduced, Tomei insisted that “teachers are tryants” and asked if “are we in communist China?” He went on to assert that Lake County is a “marxist paradise.”
“Tom Devore is Civil Rights Crusader”
Tomei took a picture with failed Illinois Attorney General candidate Tom Devore, calling him a “civil rights crusader.” Devore thinks government is waging war on parents and students, characterizes state government as tyrannical, opposed vaccines during covid and argued against masks. Now that the voters have rejected him, Devore is the attorney arguing the case for plaintiff’s using the courts in effort to keep assault weapons in our streets. In Tomei’s mind, this all makes Devore a crusader who is defending civil rights.
Argues Against Actual Civil Rights
In another wild post, Tomei references a decision by a police department which accepted the right of citizens to film police. In his post, Tomei criticized the department. The people of the United States should certainly be able to film whatever they wish in public. If this had not been the case, incidents such as the killing of George Floyd, Tyre Nichols and so many other might have been swept under the rug.
The 2020 Election Lie
Unsurprisingly, Tomei did his fair share to propagate the anti-American lie foisted on the public after Trump lost the 2020 election. 2020 was one of the most secure and accurate elections to date. This was verified with numerous recounts and court cases. Yet Tomei diminished our excellent electoral process as a “golden shower.”
Covid Patients In Camps
Tomei made the bizarre claim that the State of New York was rounding up covid patients and placing them in camps. His claim is not rooted in ANY measure of reality. He unfortunately went further comparing NY public health officials to “jack booted thugs.” Facebook plastered a disinformation warning message over his post.
Tomei is Manifestly Unqualified to Continue Serving on the CLC Board of Trustees
The College of Lake County Board of Trustees is tasked with ensuring our local junior college continues to provide excellent educational opportunity to our community. The board needs to be guided by members who respect that America is a non-secular nation in which all people should have access to solid educational opportunities. Those who serve on the board need to be people who comport themselves in a reasonable manner and reflect sound judgement in how they present themselves to the public. Tomei has failed utterly.
Someone who rejects science, propagates conspiracy theories, distributes election lies, cannot comprehend state laws and thinks children should be subject to angry protestors, has shown a deeply troubling lack of judgement. Voters can reject Robert Tomei in this election cycle at the ballot box. Towards restoring normalcy, we must vote no on Tomei.
Someone who rejects science, propagates conspiracy theories, distributes election lies, cannot comprehend state laws and thinks children should be subject to angry protestors, has shown a deeply troubling lack of judgement. Voters can reject Robert Tomei in this election cycle at the ballot box. Towards restoring normalcy, we must vote no on Tomei.