As we reported, during the course of her campaign for Mayor, then Alderman Ann Taylor spread false sexually oriented rumors about a city employee alleging that she was engaged in adulterous affairs with two other city employees. The woman who was the target of the false rumors filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights.
When running for Mayor of Waukegan, Taylor spread the false rumors to justify her assertion that the Mayor’s office was a “a mess” and “order needs to be brought.” Upon learning of the rumors being spread, the employee reported the matter to the city attorney.
An outside qualified investigator was brought in to conduct an investigation and issue a report. The findings showed that Taylor did indeed spread the sexually oriented rumors, created a hostile work environment and the rumors were false. The investigator recommended that Alderman Taylor’s conduct be addressed and that she issue an apology.
Taylor was not censured and did not issue an apology. The employee then filed a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights.
Sexual harassment should never be tolerated. It harkens back to the days of the old boys club or Trump style locker room talk. Except this time it was a sitting alderman who lives in a mansion in the nicest part of town who thought spreading false rumors was useful to advance her campaign narrative, facts be damned.
The employee who did not participate in politics and only did her job on behalf of the community submitted her resignation and left Waukegan.
As Mayor, Ann Taylor has not “brought order.” Instead, she has made “a mess” where other people pay the price.