Weeks into the school year, frustration is turning into outrage among Waukegan parents and students due to the absence of school resource officers (SROs) in Waukegan’s high school buildings. Despite repeated calls for action, Mayor Ann Taylor has failed to negotiate a resolution with Waukegan School District #60, leaving many to accuse her of neglecting her responsibility to ensure student safety.

For years, Waukegan High School has relied on SROs to maintain a secure environment, prevent incidents of violence, and foster positive relationships between students and law enforcement. However, this year, negotiations between the city and the school district over funding and responsibilities have stalled—largely, many believe, due to Mayor Taylor’s lack of good faith engagement in the process.

Parents are growing increasingly fearful for their children’s safety. “I send my child to school every day with a pit in my stomach, terrified something might happen,” said one concerned parent. “The mayor’s inaction is inexcusable. How long are we supposed to wait while she drags her feet?”

Many parents believe the mayor is putting politics before students. “This is not a political bargaining chip—it’s our children’s lives. Mayor Taylor is playing games with their safety, and that’s unacceptable,” said another outraged parent.

With nationwide concerns over school safety at an all-time high, many see Mayor Taylor’s delay as especially reckless. Incidents of violence, mental health crises, and emergency situations in schools have risen, and SROs are often viewed as a critical line of defense.

Community members have pointed out that while other cities are bolstering school security, Waukegan is falling behind due to what they perceive as Mayor Taylor’s inability—or unwillingness—to act. “The mayor’s refusal to come to an agreement is an outright failure of leadership,” said one parent. “She is failing our students.”

As pressure on the mayor continues to mount, parents are calling for immediate action, urging her to prioritize the safety of students over bureaucratic red tape. But as the weeks drag on without a resolution, the sense of uncertainty and vulnerability grows. Mayor Taylor’s refusal to take swift action has left Waukegan’s high schools exposed, with parents and educators questioning her leadership in this negotiation.