Carla Wyckoff was elected as Lake County Clerk in 2014, an office with just 15 employees. In her capacity, Wyckoff was responsible for purchasing electronic systems involved in the voting process. Her mismanagement resulted in the project coming in $1 million over budget, leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Wyckoff is now running for Lake County Circuit Court Clerk, an office with a staff of 150 employees and multiple intricate technology systems.

In a debate on October 10th held by the League Of Women Voters, Wyckoff spoke about the electronic system and software. During her discussion, she professed that working within budget is an ideal she adheres to.

In spite of her claims, the system she was responsible for as Lake County Clerk came in $1 million dollars over budget. Wyckoff had to go before the Lake County Board to seek the additional funds. This is money paid by already over burdened taxpayers.

Wyckoff was subsequently rejected by the voters in the 2018 election, leaving her to have completed just one single term in elected office. Carla Wyckoff has demonstrated that she is not qualified to operate a much larger office that is far more technology driven.

Taxpayers have had enough and Carla Wyckoff should be rejected again.

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