Waukegan – As we reported in April of last year when the official budget numbers were released, the Waukegan FY25 budget under mayor Ann Taylor contains a $7 million dollar short fall. She also increased spending by 12%. This is all right in the budget document.

Given this is an election year and Taylor is trying to paint a picture of herself as an expert financial manager as part of her election messaging, she attempted to call us out on her Facebook page seemingly in effort to cloud the waters. But objective facts to do not lie.

Her budget spends $245 million on revenue of $238 million. That is a $7 million dollar short fall. Instead of raising the city levy, Taylor dipped into cash reserves. But that remains a short fall. She also made up for it by raising fines and fees.

A structurally balanced budget is where recurring revenues meet or exceed recurring expenditures. If an individual spends more in a month that they earn and use savings to make up the difference, no reasonable person would contend they balanced their budget. Taylor having taken money from cash reserves is just like an individual taking money out of their savings to pay the water bill.

Dipping into cash reserves is against best practices as set forth by every municipal financial standards organization. It is also worthy to note that Taylor’s predecessor, Sam Cunningham, applied for those federal funds in the amount of $19 million dollars that she is now taking credit for and using to help fund her structural short fall.

To compensate for her out of control spending, Taylor increased fines and fees on residents and businesses. People throughout Waukegan are being slapped with code enforcement fines for vehicles, massive charges for having Juneteenth block parties, bigger water bills and higher permit fees. Every time you shop at a local business, you pay more.

Ann Taylor can say whatever she wants on her Facebook page all day long. She called us “fake news” which is an old attack the messenger tactic. But the facts are on our side. We will always speak truth to power and give it to you straight.