Avon Township Supervisor Michele Bauman and Adam Solano, Chair of the Avon United political slate, have been served notice for a violation of election law by the Illinois State Board of Elections.
The notice accuses the pair of failure to properly disclose the funding sources for campaign materials as mandated by Illinois State law.
According to the Illinois election code, all printed materials used for campaigning must clearly indicate who financed them. This requirement is designed to promote transparency and accountability in the electoral process, ensuring that voters are aware of the entities and individuals backing candidates.
The violation was reported following a review of campaign flyers and advertisements distributed by Bauman’s team. Complaints from concerned citizens prompted the investigation, leading to the discovery that all campaign signs did not include the required “paid for by” disclosure.
This violation could have implications for Bauman’s re-election bid this April 1st. “The voters’ trust is sacred, and in my opinion an elected official should follow the law,” noted a source close to Bauman who requested their identity not be made public, due to fear of retaliation.
The Avon United political slate admitted the violation on their Facebook page.
A potential outcome includes the State Board of Elections imposing penalties, which could total several thousand dollars, arising from the estimated multiple violations.
Residents and voters are urged to remain informed about the Avon United slate of candidates and their campaign practices as the April 1st election date approaches.
We will continue to monitor developments regarding this matter.